A lot of people may be surprised to learn that you can’t put plasterboard in a skip, or at least into a skip with other waste. In the past, placing plasterboard and other gypsum materials into a skip was not a problem, but scientific research emerged which demonstrated a strong correlation between waste materials containing sulphate and hydrogen sulphide gas. As a result, the Environmental Agency decided that plasterboard and other gypsum materials, which were previously not perceived as hazardous, now must be disposed of or recycled in a separate process.
You can read more about the Environment Agency regulations on plasterboard and gypsum materials here.
How can you dispose of your plasterboard?
If you have a considerable amount of plasterboard that you will need to dispose, it may be a good idea to order a second skip that is solely used for your plasterboard. A lot of skip hire companies are also able to provide a heavyweight bag which can be used to ensure that your plasterboard is kept separate from your other waste.
When were the rules regarding plasterboard changed?
On the 1st April 2009, European legislation was introduced to prohibit plasterboard from entering landfill with general waste. Instead, plasterboard, and other gypsum materials, must be recycled or disposed of by specialist plasterboard recycling centres. If you want to dispose of your own plasterboard, your local council can inform you of your closest recycling centres.
Is Plasterboard Dangerous to work with?
No, the sulphate in plasterboard does not pose a threat in most circumstances, but whilst breaking down in mixed waste landfills, there is a potential that dangerous hydrogen sulphide gas can be created and released, thus new measures have been introduced to ensure safe disposal and recycling of plasterboard and gypsum materials takes place.
Ready to hire a plasterboard skip or bag? Request a skip hire quote today!